How to Become an Agent!

Hey guys!
Here are some tips to become an agent  (credits go to Vayerman)

Q: What agents do?

A: Agents always help. They help new Chobots to explore Chobots World. They help moderators to find and ban Nichos who use bad words or cheat. They  help to develop Chobots world and spread news about it in their blogs and invite their friends.

Q: What preferences agents have?

A: Basically, agents do not have additional preferences. It is a voluntary work. But they are the most trustful Chobots and they have own badge. Also, they can draw the wall, since we know they will create only great art. Have a look what one of our agents created!

Q: How to become an agent?

A: First, you should learn the rules and secrets of Chobots world. Be patient, because it takes time. Usually it takes a month to become an agent. But for most active Chobots it can be done in a couple of weeks! Secondly, become a friend of one of our agents and help them, so they recommend you. Also, you need to do something cool like inviting your friends or making a blog or a short real about Chobots. And finally, you should ask a moderator to make you an agent. And of course, you should look nice, lol! :)

Note: Please ask your parents before making any of these activities.

Q: Who is Chobot?

A: You don't know Chobot? LOL! He is our first and still the greatest agent so far. He's in Chobots since 11th of October and we should thank to him for making our Chobots world better!

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